Abstract Submission

Pease indicate whether the abstracts submitted shall be for oral or poster presentation.

Language: Abstract must be typed and presented in English
Font: Use font type Times New Roman, Font Size 12
Word Limit: The abstract must be written in 300 words or less, including title, and the names of the author (s) and their institutions.
Content: The submitted abstracts must contain the following:
Objectives: State the main objective of the study.
Materials and methods: Briefly describe the design of the study and how it was conducted.
Results: Present the main results with an indication of variability and precision of comparison where appropriate.
Conclusion: Limit the conclusions to those that are directly supported by the results.
Title: The title of the abstract must be typed in CAPITAL LETTERS with the exception of scientific names, which should be in upper and lower case forms and italicized.

Presenting Author's Details
Rights to Publish: In submitting the abstracts the authors also grant the APCC India 2019 organizing committee the right to publish the abstract in the proceedings both in hard and electronic form.
The presenting author’s name must be listed first and underlined.
The presenting author’s name, institution, address, telephone and fax number and email address must be provided.
Presenting authors must be registered for the conference. Only Registered delegates will be allowed to present.
Submitting Abstract: Filling the oral and poster application form by keying in all required information, MAIL the abstract, saved as an MS Word fille via email sepsis.congress@apcc-india.com / info@apcc-india.com
Deadline: All abstract must be received by 1st September 2019
Acceptance: Authors selected for oral & poster presentation will be informed by email by 15th September 2019
Presenters shall be notified of their abstracts’ status immediately upon being reviewed by the committee.
Oral Presentation: The time allotted for the presentation will be individually communicated to the speakers
Audio-visual shall be provided in the meeting room. The slides of the oral presentation should not be more than 10 slides
Poster Session: Poster session will be allotted a specific period of time to allow the presenters to interact and discuss with delegates. No Audio – Visual equipment shall be provided for the poster presentation. The size of the poster should be 3 ft x 4 ft , preferably in vertical direction. Please inform us in advance if the poster is made in 4 x 3 sq ft ( horizontally )