What is the Fundamental Critical Care Support (FCCS) Course?
FCCS is an internationally renowned two-day structured course by Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) USA addressing fundamental management principles for the first 24 hours of critical care.
FCCS course is the go-to resource for training non-intensivists, house staff, nurses, or other critical care practitioners on how to manage critically ill and injured patients effectively. Through didactic lectures, small group discussion with clinical scenario questions and skill stations with hands-on instruction and experience, the FCCS course will help to disseminate basic concepts of critical care to all professionals who may be called upon to care for severely ill patients.
Fundamental Critical Care Support Licensed Course Overview
The licensed FCCS course provide a comprehensive learning experience by combining expert-developed lectures with hands-on skill stations
This course contains:
- 16 Didactic lectures
- 4 Case-based skill stations
- Pre- and post tests
- FCCS Support textbook
- Certificate of successful course completion
It approximately takes about three months to get the certificate from FCCS USA Headquarters.
Why should I attend FCCS course?
"The vision of APCC is Inspiration, Illumination & Education and is determined to fulfill its dream through State Of The Art meetings. APCC is making efforts to promote critical care in India."
The FCCS Course offers an approach to initial management of the critically ill patient for providers not formally trained in critical care. Participants will learn useful information about the extended care of critically ill patients, especially care related to mechanical ventilation, monitoring, organ hypoperfusion, and neurological support. Providers will receive guidance for acute problems encountered in the ICU and for sudden patient deterioration.
The FCCS Course content is an ideal curriculum for critical care residency training programs.
Topics Covered
- FCCS Overview
- Electrolytes & Metabolic Disturbances
- Recognition & Assessment of Seriously ill Patient
- Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Airway Management
- Critical Care in Pregnancy
- Cardiopulmonary/Cerebral Resuscitation
- Diagnosis & Management of Shock
- Diagnosis & Management of Acute Respiratory Failure
- Life Threatening Infections
- Basic Neurological support
- Mechanical Ventilation
- Special Considerations
- General Pediatric Versus Adult Patient
- Monitoring Blood Flow, Oxygenation, Acid & Base Status
- Ethical Considerations During Acute Care
- Trauma & Burn Management
- Mechanical Ventilation (Basic & Advanced)
- Electrolytes & Metabolic Disturbances
- Skill Stations
- Airway Management
- Trauma
Registration Fee
(Includes Breakfast, Lunch, Tea)
For more details write mail to criticalcareacademy@apcc-india.com